

Postural rehabilitation

The Mézières method is a postural rehabilitation technique aimed at releasing muscle tension, correcting spinal deviations and optimal joint alignment.

It is practiced with the therapist by maintaining very precise postures and performing breathing work, all combined with myofascial release techniques.

Yoga classes

Beginner to intermediate, the yoga classes offered by Physio Kin Zen Équilibre (virtual and face-to-face) allow you to follow sessions adapted to your level of practice.

Hatha, Hatha flow and Vinyasa are the styles explored depending on the course and the level of the participants. The breathing exercises, gentle static postures supported up to the sequences of movements allow a good connection of the participant to each part of his body and optimizes physical and mental well-being!

Ergonomics at work

Ergonomics at work is very important with teleworking becoming more and more present in recent years. 

An analysis of your work posture can help you correct some bad habits adopted over the years. Correcting your posture will allow you to be more comfortable and efficient, but above all prevent and reduce the risk of injuries. 

Perinatal exercises

Prenatal and postnatal yoga

Prenatal yoga will help prepare the body for childbirth by promoting good mobility of the pelvis, muscle tone, and better management of breathing during working hours.

Our perinatal exercise classes will allow you to regain control of your body and your form by strengthening, among other things, your abdominal and pelvic muscles to allow you to resume or maintain your active life.

group training


Workout aimed at activating the cardiovascular and muscular systems with free weights, ball, rubber bands and using body weight to improve strength and endurance. A cool-down period with gentle stretching gently completes each session.

Offered indoors or outdoors depending on the seasons and the weather!

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